Sam Jinks

sam-jinks-at-art-stage-singapore-designboom-08Sam Jinks is a hyper-realist sculptor who creates people out of silicone, fibre-glass, resin and other materials. His work is unbelievably life-like however sometimes he distorts the scale. He often looks at fragile moments or private moments in time. His work depicts the beginning of life and the end of life. He is making us aware of how life develops over time and how mortality is inevitable. These works contain a profound sense of vulnerability and are remarkable in their striking portrayal of the human condition. I feel that his work is highly skilled and strongly emotive but for me as an artist, I don’t believe that realism is going to reflect what I am trying to say in my work. However skin is something that I really enjoy looking at and is a thing that every human has a relationship with so therefore should create an emotional reaction within them.jinks-woman-child

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